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Showing posts from June, 2020

Sotus: The Series - An Intro to the BL World

Hey there. I'm back with another post about the Thai BL scene. Let's see how long it's going to take before my obsession for this genre dies down. But for now, allow me to tell you a quick story of how I got sucked in to this world. This is a bit overdue but better late than never, I guess.  I am one of those night owls who usually stay up until the wee hours browsing the internet for anything and everything. I am either on Pinterest , Thought Catalog , Twitter (back when I was still on it), and Youtube . I swear I watch the most random videos on Youtube! There are times when I binge on space and astronaut videos, faith-in-humanity-restored videos, cooking videos, and even Asian Boss videos. Unless it's too violent or gruesome, I would most likely watch any video that catches my attention. I am usually just going through my recommended videos and for some reason, a compilation video of the best Thai Boys Love dramas showed up in my feed. Being a KPop fan and a shipper o...

Love Me Some Thai Guys

I'm back with another post yet again. Still on the topic of Thai Boys Love (BL) series, this time I decided to talk about my current favourite Thai BL couples. I have not watched that many BL shows yet so my list will be pretty short. But if you are into Thai BL as well, my guess is that you will be familiar with most, if not all, of the couples I will be listing. So let's begin. I have no idea how Thai BL got so huge from the time I dabbled on my first Thai BL drama, Sotus: The Series , to this point in time. I can't really remember how I chanced upon Sotus on Youtube. I know I was just watching the most random videos on Youtube one night, like I always do. And then I think I saw a video listing down the best Thai BL dramas and randomly I chose Sotus as my first BL drama to watch. And so my life got a little bit more interesting from then on. Before I begin my list, please note that my most important factor for liking a BL couple is their chemistry both on-screen and off-s...

Thai BL Actors are Taking Over the World

Hello everyone! And I am back with another post about Thai Boys Love or BL dramas. This time, I am not going to review a drama but instead, I will list down some of the Thai actors from BL shows that have caught my attention recently. I admit I haven't watched a lot of Thai BL dramas as I am mostly busy with adult life. I am lucky to have come across a few of the more well-known dramas though and it would definitely show in the list that I am about to put out. So here are my top five male actors from Thai BL dramas. #1 Singto Prachaya Ruangroj Singto was born on 28 July 1994 in Bangkok, Thailand. He rose to fame because of his role as Kongpob in SOTUS: The Series which was released in 2016. Just a side note: this BL drama is my ultimate favorite at the moment. Now going back to Singto, I have to say that there is something about him that captivates you. Frankly, he isn't the most good-looking BL actor out there and his acting skills cannot be considered brilliant just yet. Hav...