Hey there. I'm back with another post about the Thai BL scene. Let's see how long it's going to take before my obsession for this genre dies down. But for now, allow me to tell you a quick story of how I got sucked in to this world. This is a bit overdue but better late than never, I guess. I am one of those night owls who usually stay up until the wee hours browsing the internet for anything and everything. I am either on Pinterest , Thought Catalog , Twitter (back when I was still on it), and Youtube . I swear I watch the most random videos on Youtube! There are times when I binge on space and astronaut videos, faith-in-humanity-restored videos, cooking videos, and even Asian Boss videos. Unless it's too violent or gruesome, I would most likely watch any video that catches my attention. I am usually just going through my recommended videos and for some reason, a compilation video of the best Thai Boys Love dramas showed up in my feed. Being a KPop fan and a shipper o...