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Showing posts from September, 2020

The Era of Podcasting

Hey everyone! I hope your week started off just right. I know mine did. I haven't talked about it here yet but I do work from home part-time so basically, I am working on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Generally, my workload is light but it does get a bit hectic at month's end. Anyway, I won't be talking about work-related stuff in today's post. I'm sure you've noticed how suddenly everyone is creating their own digital content recently. All of a sudden, celebrities and even social media influencers began putting out their video blogs (or vlogs as we call them) talking about whatever. Aside from vlogs though, people have also been getting into podcasts to make themselves productive during this quarantine period. What are podcasts anyway? According to Wikipedia , " a podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening ."  So basically it is a recorded audio that could be abou...

Let's Talk About 2nd Generation K-Pop

Hey everyone! How are you guys holding up? I cannot believe we are now down to the last four months of the year 2020. Pretty crazy, I should say. The start of the new decade has been one heck of a ride but as with everything else, I believe this too shall pass. Before we start with this post's main subject, I have a quick question for all the K-Pop fans out there.  What year did you guys start getting into K-Pop?    Don't worry! This won't be a battle of who's the more genuine fan. Besides, how long you've been a K-Pop fan does not define your worth and sincerity as a fan. It's not about the numbers, okay? So why the question? The reason I'm asking is that today I will be talking about older Korean artists. Particularly, I will be talking about some of my older, not-so-favorite K-Pop idol groups whose songs are still in my playlist up to this day. And since I am pretty much considered an ahjumma fan now, most of these might be unfamiliar to some of you newe...