Hello everyone! It is I once again with another post about a Boys Love (BL) drama I had recently finished watching. Well not so recently as I think I completed this series about a month ago and only now got the chance to write about it. I hope you guys are doing well and steadily getting back on your feet after the pandemic. I have been busy with other mundane stuff as I am now living solo and only just recently decided to return to blogging again. The sound of the keyboard clacking while I try to organize the thoughts in my head is something I did not know I missed. It is always a great feeling when you talk about something you are really interested in. I had already posted about my experience attending my first BL drama event about 2 months ago and this time I will be talking about actual the drama itself. All introductions done so let us now move on to the main topic of this post: KinnPorsche: The Series La Forte ( KP ). The Plot Thailand has again gifted the ...